Thinking of Selling Your Hovercraft?
We at Boatshed Port Solent like to keep a weather eye on the Queen’s Harbour Master’s Notices to Mariners. Now folks, Notices to Mariners are usually pretty boring, but if you take the trouble to look, you might even find a fun day out – look below and you may just see what I mean!
No 29/12
1.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Queen's Harbour Master Portsmouth that the Hovershow 2012 will be held at Lee-on-the-Solent for two days commencing 28 April 2012.
2.The event will consist of numerous hovercraft transiting from Daedalus slipway to a designated area (see chart below). A 200m buffer zone separating swimmers from the hovercraft will be enforced by safety craft from 0915 to 1730 each day.
3.Mariners are requested to keep a good lookout and pass clear of the designated operating area.
4.All craft participating in the event will maintain a listening watch on CH 11 (QHM Harbour Control) and CH 12 (VTS Southampton) for shipping movements in the Solent.
5.QHM Harbour Control will be kept informed of the event and may be contacted on VHF Ch 11 or by telephoning 023 92 723689 for the latest information.
6.Cancel this Local Notice To Mariners Mon 30th Apr 2012 (13 days)
Mon 16th Apr 2012
Semaphore Tower
HM Naval Base, Portsmouth.
I have a special affection for the SRN4 - one of these used to whizz me back to Blighty on leave from the army in Germany - and she got you to Dover half an hour before you left Calais! Deaf as post though.
Thinking of Selling Your Hovercraft?
Here at Boatshed Port Solent we are on standby to help you get your hovercraft onto the market as quickly as you can.
We will come along and meet you aboard, take up to 80 photos and upload a detailed specification of your hovercraft onto our massive website. We have nearly 450,000 registered customers browsing our listings, and with over 50 offices worldwide there is certainly going to be someone out there who wants to buy your boat (or hovercraft)!
Ring Ian on 07885 521960, or email ian@boatshedportsolent.com